Recently a darling friend said to me, “I don’t have (much) faith.” I explained to her that Biblically speaking, right now she does in fact have faith (Romans 12:3). For instance if you ride in cars or on planes, you are using your faith to believe that it won’t crash. Each day we use our faith in hundreds of experiences that we take for granted.
It’s important for each of us to know that we do in fact have faith (Romans 12:3). Our faith in God and His Word can be increased each time we hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17). If we don’t regularly hear Bible lessons or study the Bible personally, we may not have much opportunity to recharge our faith in God or His Word. Thus, we could began to falsely believe that we don’t have any faith or that we don’t have enough faith. To experience your faith, all that is needed is for you to use it. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Your prayers are powerful.
Jesus told His disciples that even a mustard seed (tiny bit) of faith could move a mountain (Matthew 17:25). We don’t need great faith to be saved, delivered, healed or rescued by God. Our loving Father God meets us where we are. God is eager to hear and answer our prayers. Step on out knowing that right now you possess enough faith to please God and to move a mountain!